A fan edit is an unofficial version of a film modified by a viewer in order to create a new interpretation of the source material.
You must own an officially released copy of a film to legally watch a fan edit. Support studios and filmmakers by purchasing movies.
NOTFLIX Fan Edits is a website made for pleasure and love for movies, not-for-profit, and that does not make money in any way.
Easy to join!
You have an internet connection and a screen, you have NOTFLIX Fan Edits. Just it.
What is NOTFLIX Fan Edits?
I’m NOTFLIX, a faneditor, and NOTFLIX Fan Edits is this website
where find my edits
All my fan edits will be available for free, in Full HD, original language and english/spanish subtitles. Register and find out how to enjoy them.
What is an unofficial Fan Edit?
The movies you know wearing new clothes
A fan edit is a version of a film or TV show modified by a viewer, that removes, reorders, or adds material in order to create a new interpretation of the source material and transforms it. This includes the removal of scenes or dialogue,
replacement of audio and/or visual elements, and adding material from sources such as deleted scenes or even other films.
Because these transformative uses of copyrighted works add something new with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work, NOTFLIX Fan Edits operates under Section 107 of the copyright
act 1976, that allows this “fair use”.
Fan edits are non-profit projects and faneditors encourage viewers to own an official copy of the movies. You must own them to legally watch a fan edit. Support studios and filmmakers by purchasing the movies we love. Then come to
NOTFLIX Fan Edits to enjoy these new interpretations of the films!
Which FAN EDITS are here?
MARVEL the TV Series,
Star Trek The Motion Picture MAME,
Star Wars Episode III: The Phantom Apprentice,
other movies, TV series, video game art, and beyond…
To date, you can find MARVEL The TV Series Seasons 1 to 4, a fan edition ongoing project that transforms the MCU in a
huge IMAX TV show and will cover all the MARVEL movies and TV series from Marvel Studios (the current ones and the products to come) plus the FOX/Sony alternate universes integrated into it in a consistent way.
Also you can find the fan edits STAR TREK: The Motion Picture in the form of MAME (Modern Action Music Edit),
an exciting cut that replace the whole score, Star Wars Episode III: The Phantom Apprentice, the final arc
of The Clone Wars edited as a movie, and a short, to-the-point version of the little indie film The Vast of Night.
But you will also get other movies and TV series fan edits, video game art pieces, clips, fake trailers… the number of edits will increase constantly!

This is great, right? My millions of very real followers think so.
But don’t take my word for it, here’s what they say about NOTFLIX Fan Edits:
I can do this all day.”

Steve Rogers
Devoted NOTFLIX Fan Edits marathon-viewer
Following’s not really my style.”

Tony Stark
Watch NOTFLIX Fan Edits but neither subscribe nor share
You’re all not worthy.”

Thor Odinson
NOTFLIX possessive hardcore fanboy
Write ME for any question, correction, contribution or suggestion
Subscribe to stay in the know about the fan edits release dates and to watch sneak peeks, teasers, special clips, trailers and official material from the studios.